A letter to my team, to my donors, to my family, to my friends, and to the community in Quispicanchi.

Billy Metz is a rising senior at Rollins College spending his summer as a high school English teacher for Fe y Alegría. In his blog, he writes a list of thank-yous to the many people in his path - 

To my team – Thank you for being consistently available for a conversation and laugh at the house. Thank you for continually working hard to make our house a space for love and comfort. The times where I come home tired or even frustrated, I know that you guys will be there to have my back. I’m glad this team has gotten the opportunity to grow and learn together for two months.


To my donors – A big thanks to everyone who contributed to every faucet from donating to supporting me in my choice to come here and teach this summer. You guys may not know it yet, but your contributions have helped this community in ways that are hard to put on paper.

 One example is the imminent change that will happen because of the new funds some projects have here in this town. Another example is the help it provides in the Jesuit parish who continually help kids and families in the after-school programs while also providing lunch for a lot of older members of the community. To see the smiles on faces because of the stress relief and the simple necessities of food being provided are reminders of your charity. Finally, thank you for putting your trust and confidence in my ability to spend a whole summer teaching in a foreign language while selfishly growing myself.


To my family I love and miss you guys. 

My time being here has shown me how important relationships are and how vital family is. In our family eating communal dinners has always been a staple and I can’t tell you how lucky I am for that. Almost all the meals here are communal and too often back in our hectic and “busy” world we forget that meals are meant to be shared together with people. Thank you for allowing me to contact you guys 1-2 a week to get a break from technology and a real sense of presence at my school, the parish, the house and in the community. Being without technology has been amazing, truly, it has opened my eyes to my priorities and what I actually care about and value, so thank you. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for always supporting me in my dreams and aspirations, this has been the longest time I’ve been away from y’all (Mom don’t cry it’s okay) so I know it was a sacrifice. Thank you to all my four brothers, thanks for supporting me on my journey here and being the best teammates of all time.  


To my friends – I know I’ve been busy in college and thank you for making time for me and the short bursts that I am available. You guys are my extended brothers, and I am one lucky chap to have all you guys supporting me and keeping up with my endless endeavors. You guys made this decision possible whether you know it or not because of yall’s endless support of my life.


To the community here in QuispicanchiThank you for accepting a gringo like me.

 I know my Spanish is rough around the edges but you guys have showed me endless compassion and loyalty. You guys have shown me what it truly means to be a man, a follower of Christ, and a member of a community. You guys have shown me what is truly important - being selfless before you are self-concerned when you are a part of a community, family, and team. Thank you for showing me what is important which is serving others, being present, smiling, always being available for others and disengaging with what will make your “productive” and understanding that being still and living within your means is all you need. I have grown so much spiritually, religiously, and emotionally because of your wisdom, work ethic, and love for everyone.


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