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Billy Metz , a Rollins College student and an English teaching assistant at Fe y Alegria describes his growth in understanding the differences between his western perception of hobbies and his students' understanding of pastimes, in his blog  Pasatiempo - Pasatiempo.  This word in Spanish loosely translates in English to hobby , pastime, and or amusement.  One of the units Lucia and I have covered is typical things that people do to literally pass time. Some of the kids have expressed confusion as to why this is so defined and how in the United States there are strict parameters around something we call a hobby. Something that gives us joy (which I think is more common) or an amusement that appeals to society or the resume. What I am trying to articulate is that when people “pass time" in Andahuaylas and in Peru there is not a definitive thing that they do or must do to be “productive.” When asking the kids to elaborate on their hobbies in my confusing spanglish,...

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